"Who is" is a series of posts about the individuals that make up the Philippine longboarding scene.
Through Who is, we take a peek into the individuals that make up the Philippine longboarding community.
To kick off our "Who is" section, we bring you Matt Sudario.
First and foremost, let’s first straighten something out. Is it Earl or Matt? What’s up with that? hehehe
In Iloilo I was known as Earl because I was called by my first name in school and almost all the people I met I was introduced as Earl. When I went here in Manila I introduced myself as Matt and I have no friends here yet and no one knew my full name. When I entered the longboard scene I was known as Matt that's why during the Palumba 2011 everyone I knew from Manila was confused except for the Iloilo crew.hehehe. And now some of them are calling me now Earl.
I’ve always known you as a guitarist, what made you drop the guitar and pick up a skateboard?
When I went to Manila for work, I didn't have any activities to entertain myself. I really missed playing with my band and at that time there were a lot of gigs happening in Iloilo. It made me crazy because I can't do the thing I love most. What made me pick up a longboard is that I saw people longboarding in the street. I was interested in it because the road here is very nice.hehe. I ended up buying a mini longboard because a complete longboard is expensive and I just started with my work. The reason I dropped the guitar because I don't have a band to play with. When I started skating here I met a lot of people and my longing for music was diverted.
Which do you enjoy more, playing in a band or skating, and why?
Right now I really enjoy skating. Meeting a lot of interesting people and they are not just some people. Some of them are known from different aspects. Going to different places and going to events. I have to thank longboarding for making my life in a new environment fun.
Everytime Brendan updates his skate photos on Facebook, you would always be in it making us feel as if it’s the only thing you do. What’s your usual day like?
Hahahaha. If Brendan Goco aka Goks is present in a skate sesh and also you are there expect it that he just shot you with his camera especially in your vulnerable moments and steeze moments.hehehe. Goks is really quick in finding it. My usual day is wake up-work all day-skate in the evening-rest. I only have time to skate in the evening. If there is a session I will be in it. I'll be absent if I have overtime.hehe
If I’m not mistaken, your first real downhill was at Tak-tak right?
That's right. I was too scared to handle the speed at first. I got used to it the 2nd and 3rd time I went there. 2nd time is to have a practice run for a race and the 3rd time is the Padyak Bayani race.
What were the courses you’ve bombed since then, and what’s your favorite?
Taktak, Sierra Madre, Salim, San Rafael, Colinas...so far my favorite is San Rafael a very technical course but it's too dangerous if the road is not closed.
Free ride or competitive racing. Which do you fancy more and why?
Free ride. It's fun throwing out slides while gaining speed.
It's more like enjoying a run not just going down with one go.
Any close calls so far? If yes, would you mind sharing it with us?
None so far just sketchy ones.hahaha.
Within the Philippine longboarding scene, who do you look up to when it comes to riding style and why?
hmmm. Who do I look up to? I can't decide. I always skate with different people. And from them I get to develop my own style. I'll just mention some people...First of all Leo Saño who introduced me to sliding...Sindicato almost half of my progression are from them...Jorell Linsangan, Joshua Bondoc, Kiko Meily, Mark Guevara, Gianne Pleyto
On a more serious note, Longboarding in the Philippines is undeniably going “mainstream”. Purists see this as an issue, while others welcome this as natural progression. What’s your personal take on this?
Well what I see in the scene here is that everyone is welcoming the progression that is happening. It's really nice to see each individual progressing within their own styles. Some are even really quick and even the groms and not to mention some ladies. The more the merrier.hehehe
As a follow up question, what do you think are the problems that are, or will be, plaguing the Philippine longboarding scene, if any, in the coming months/years and why?
hmmmm.On my opinion, maybe to those you don't respect the rules of the sport. There are a lot of progressions going on and some are already saying that they will try this and that thinking they are already that good. For example going down a known hill. Some newbies might just go on their own there thinking that they tried some hills already, also thinking that their longboard setup is just like the pros they can handle it. Accidents may happen and it will affect the sport and the spot. RESPECT! I hope it will remain everytime a person goes to a spot. We must maintain discipline so that the locals will respect us and will not ban us at our beloved spots.
Going back to you and your skating, you’re somewhat of a crowd favorite everytime you skate. How do you react to all this attention directed towards you?
HAHAHA. I'm just really friendly to everyone and enjoying the sport. Well sometimes there is a good feeling when everyone was amazed of the way you skate. It's also gives entertainment to those who likes to watch the sport. I just always smile while doing something crazy with my board.
If you were to have a “skate moniker”, what would it be? Choose wisely my friend. =)
hmmm. I am always called with different names. It's hard to say one. It can be ENERGY.hahahaha. They always say that I don't ever get tired. Always full of energy when skating even when it's time to go home already.hahaha
To end, is there anything you would like to say?
Skate everything and have fun.
*Some images by Brendan Goco
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