Ang Kilusan Wants You!

The Philippine longboarding community is growing in numbers every day. A manifestation to this fact is the number of events organized all over the country. Inside of this community, an outfit has made itself known. Not for it being the baddest crew in the land, but by being one of several that has an advocacy behind it. The crew I’m referring to is Ang Kilusan.

Kilusan translated in English is “Movement”. A movement dedicated to the pursuit of stoke be it in water or concrete. With roots in surfing and skating, the people behind Kilusan are dedicated in spreading this feeling to others who share the same passion and philosophy as them.

You would hear them using the word stoke or “stokas” when you see them. But if you were to ask them what the meaning of stoke is, they would honestly say that it is a tad difficult to explain. To them it’s a hodgepodge of emotions made up of fear, as well as joy. They believe that stoke is something that must be personally experienced in order to be understood.

With this said, Kilusan wants to share the stoke with others but at the same time also instill the idea of being responsible for ones actions. They are aware that a free spirited lifestyle and the word responsibility do not go hand in hand, but this is the role that they wish to take.

“Trying to strike a balance between freedom and limits is no easy task, but it can be achieved through proper guidance”

Aside from pushing the sport of skating and surfing the Philippines, the people who make up the collective which is Kilusan are also aware of the impact we make on the environment. This is the reason as to why the group has been creating videos in order to show others the natural high they get while surfing both water and concrete. And at the same time educate said individuals about how to appreciate these things in order to safeguard them.

Ang Kilusan is an idea, a movement, a state of consciousness, an advocacy.

To close, think about this. “It is easy to share and spread the stoke, but what is also important is the process of how one achieves it”.

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